PPG Minutes - February 2024


Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets to provide a forum for discussion about the practice.


  • Roderick Allison (Chair of the PPG)
  • Mick Farrant Annette Thomas (Online)
  • Adrian Paterson Judith Philo Anita Colloms (Online)
  • Kate Harwood Cynthia Jensen Margaret Harvey (Online)
  • Judy Dixey Jenny Wright Sally Donati (Online)
  • Val Pyott Ruth Appleton Sian (Online)
  • David Jockelson Ros Brown Dr Stephen Amiel (GP Partner)
  • Diane Pearson Frances Fernando-Lefford Gina McCluskie (Project Manager Caversham Group Practice)
  • Simpon Pearson Kathy Elliott (Online) Dr Kevin Clarkson (GP Partner)


  • Fay Saunders (Practice Manager – Caversham Group Practice)

1. Welcome and introductions

  • Rod welcomed the group and all attendees introduced themselves.

2. Practice updates

Gina informed the attendees of our two new Practice Assistants that have started working at the practice. Dr Amiel then informed the patients of Dr Caroline Dickenson’s retirement at the end of March and explained that a new Senior GP will be taking over the complaints.


3. Saving the Peckwater Centre

  • Rod gave an update on the PPG attendance at the Health and Scrutiny committee.
  • The Committee expressed serious concern about the possible loss of the Peckwater Centre, a purpose-built primary care hub, and about the lack of public consultation, and asked North Central London Integrated Care Board to reconsider their plans and return for a further discussion (which will now not take place before July).
  • The PPG have written to Keir Starmer’s office but as yet have not had a response.
  • Dr Kevin Clarkson gave an update on this matter, mentioning that there is a possibility that the RFH are looking at an alternative site. The Caversham Group Practice will decide when the time is right to try and seek legal advice on the matter.
  • The PPG suggested that the Caversham should try to find out the timetable for the suggested move of the Mary Rankin Centre.
  • Dr Kevin Clarkson also noted that they may need planning consent to transform the Peckwater Centre and we would try to find out more about this.
  • Dr Steve Amiel spoke about the impact of everything that the PPG sub-group has done and that we should keep the pressure on. The PPG suggested that we get Voluntary groups, local Tenant and Resident groups, the other local GP surgeries and various other groups involved. Also, we should keep the Media and Political pressure on. It seems to be going in the right direction.
  • The PPG raised the question of how much information the actual Dialysis patient users of the Mary Rankin centre have been consulted and informed of the move. It was also raised that the staff at the Mary Rankin centre have not been consulted.
  • One PPG member noted that any Dialysis unit should be in the grounds of a hospital in case of emergency.
  • Kathy Elliott will contact people in public health on behalf of the PPG.
  • Alex Warner will contact the Health and Wellbeing committee.
  • The PPG subgroup will host a demonstration/ information day for our supporters. (The date to be confirmed).
  • The PPG subgroup will also do the following;
  1. Explore how to get external support.
  2. Find out how to get the TRAs involved.
  3. Email Voluntary Action Camden
  4. Contact CNJ and the Ham & High
  5. Carers group
  6. Await a response from Kier Starmer’s office.

4. Newsletter

It was noted that some patients were not receiving the newsletter from the practice. Gina suggested that the practice would send the newsletter out in a new way through sms via the NHS app. This is an easier way to keep our patients informed of practice news.


5. Micro-suction update from Fay Saunders Practice Manager (by email)

There has been no movement/ progression in this area. The PCN, like all others in this ICB have been set a task to prioritise joint working in relation to a respiratory diagnostic backlog with a delivery date of March, as such our attention regarding training and mobilisation of this service has superseded work on micro-suction.

6. NHS 111 required information

Mick Farrant suggested a form for patients who may need a quick reference guide to answer questions required by NHS 111. Gina explained that any patient can access their patient summary online (Via Patient Access) or ask for a printed copy from reception which would contain all of the information required.


7. Repeat prescriptions

The PPG raised concerns that sometimes repeat prescriptions are not actioned within the 72 hours. Gina explained that we always aim to process repeat prescriptions within the 72 hours (working days) and sometimes due to varying factors unfortunately this can be delayed. Issues that cause delays include requesting through a pharmacy, Doctors sick or behind with their admin, weekend closures etc.


8. Actions

  • Gina and Jackie from the Caversham to distribute newspaper articles relating to the Peckwater site.
  • Jackie Tumelty to check the QR code is working.
  • Roderick Allison (Chair of the PPG) asked the PPG members if anyone would like to take on the role of minute taking. If anyone would be prepared to take this on at the PPG meetings (can join online) please contact Rod? rod2allison@gmail.com

Next PPG meeting to be held in May 2024 – Date to be confirmed.